Title VI
Title VI Statement of Policy
It is the policy of the Cambria County Transit Authority to ensure compliance with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964; related statutes and regulations that ensure no person in the United States shall, on the grounds of race, color, or national origin, be excluded from the participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any program or activity receiving Federal financial assistance.
CamTran assures that no person shall on the grounds of race, color, or national origin be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be otherwise subjected to discrimination under any program or activity receiving Federal financial assistance. CamTran further assures every effort will be made to ensure non-discrimination in all of its programs and activities, whether those programs and activities are federally funded or not.
The objectives for CamTran include:
1. To ensure that FTA assisted benefits and related services are made available and are equitably distributed without regard to race, color, or national origin;
2. To ensure that the level and quality of FTA assisted transit services are sufficient to provide equal access and mobility for any person without regard to race, color, or national origin;
3. To ensure that opportunities to participate in the transit planning and decision making processes are provided to persons without regard to race, color, or national origin;
4. To ensure that decision on the location of transit services and facilities are made without regard to race, color, or national origin; and
5. To ensure that corrective and remedial action is taken by all applicants and recipients of FTA assistance to prevent discriminatory treatment of any beneficiary based on race, color, or national origin.
CamTran has adopted a Title VI compliance program that is consistent with the requirements of FTA Circular 4702.1B.
Title VI Notice to the Public
The Cambria County Transit Authority (CamTran) is committed to providing nondiscriminatory transportation services to all of its passengers and potential passengers. CamTran prohibits discrimination in all of its programs and services on the basis of race, color and national origin.
Any person who is, or seeks to be a patron of any CamTran public vehicle shall be given the same access, seating and other treatment with regard to the use of such vehicle as other persons without regard to their race, color or national origin.
No person or group of persons shall be discriminated against with regard to the routing, scheduling or quality of transportation service furnished by CamTran on the basis of race, color or national origin.
Any person who believes that they have, individually, or as a member of any specific class of persons, been subjected to discrimination on the basis of race, color or national origin may file a complaint with CamTran. A written complaint must be filed within 180 days after the date of the alleged discrimination. All complaints should be signed and include contact information. You may file a written complaint with CamTran, Safety and Risk Management, 502 Maple Avenue, Johnstown, PA 15901. You may also file a complaint by calling 814-535-5526 Monday through Friday, 8:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m.
Complaints may also be filed, no later than 180 days after the date of alleged discrimination, with the Federal Transit Administration’s Office of Civil Rights, Attn: Complaint Team, East Building, 5th Floor - TCR, 1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE, Washington, DC 20590.
Any person who would like additional information on nondiscrimination requirements should call 814-535-5526 Monday through Friday, 8:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m. to make a request. Information will be mailed by CamTran to the person making the request after the person provides CamTran with a mailing address.
Title VI Notice to the Public/Título VI aviso al público
Click here to download and print Title VI Notice to the Public PDF
Haga clic aquí para descargar e imprimir título VI aviso al público PDF
Title VI Complaint Procedures
Click here to download and print Title VI Complaint Procedures PDF
Title VI Complaint Form
Click here to download and print Title VI Complaint Form PDF
Limited English Proficiency (LEP) Plan
Diversity Statement
Click here to download and print CamTran's Diversity Statement
Translated Materials
Upon request, CamTran will make available translated materials for information relating to applications, schedules, routes, etc.
ADA Information
General Information
The Cambria County Transit Authority is committed to providing nondiscriminatory transportation services to all of its customers and potential customers. CamTran prohibits discrimination in all of its programs and services on the basis of a disability.
If you feel you have been discriminated against and would like to file a complaint, you may do so by downloading and completing the ADA Complaint Form. You can also call our office at 1-800-252-3889 to request an ADA Complaint Form.
Anyone may submit a request to CamTran for an ADA reasonable modification/accommodation by downloading and completing a Reasonable Modification/Accommodation Request Form. You can also call our office at 1-800-252-3889 to request an ADA Reasonable Modification/Accommodation Request Form.
We urge anyone with ADA related questions or inquiries to call 1-800-252-3889 or TDD PA Relay 711.
ADA Complimentary Paratransit Service is available for customers who have an origin and destination within 3/4 of a mile of a fixed route but cannot access and/or utilize the fixed route bus due to their disability.
Click here to download the ADA Paratransit Eligibility Application.
Information in Accessible Formats
Upon request, CamTran will make available in any requested format (Audio, Braille, Larger Print, or Electronic files) any and all requested information. This may also include information relating to applications, schedules and routes. CamTran will strive to work with any individual who requests information to determine the most appropriate alternative formats. CamTran has dedicated equipment such as telecommunications devices for the deaf (TDDs) or other advanced technologies that people with speech and/or hearing disabilities can use. Phone numbers for access are TDD# PA Relay 711 and (814) 539-1149.
ADA Discrimination Complaint Information
ADA Complaint Procedures
Click here to download and print ADA Complaint Procedures PDF
ADA Complaint Form
Right to Know Law
In accordance with the Right to Know Law (Act 3 of 2008), Cambria County Transit Authority has adopted a procedure for requesting, processing, and providing public records. All requests for records must be directed to:
Jennifer Sukenik
Open Records Officer, CamTran
502 Maple Avenue, Johnstown, PA 15901
Fax: (814) 536-5951
E-Mail: jsukenik@camtranbus.com
All requests for documents must be a written request submitted on a form available at the above address or the link below. Verbal requests shall not be considered official requests for purposes of the timeframes established by the Right to Know Law. Once the form is obtained, requests will be accepted via facsimile, mail, e-mail or in person.
All requests must be submitted to the Open Records Officer. In no event shall a request be considered officially submitted until received by the Open Records Officer.
Upon receipt of a written request for a public record, the Open Records Officer shall make a diligent attempt to determine whether such a request involves a public record and whether the Authority is in possession of the subject record.
The Authority shall not be required to create a record which does not currently exist or compile, maintain format, or organize a record in a manner not maintained as of the date of the request.
The Authority shall follow the Open Records Law procedures for redaction when appropriate.
RIght to Know Request Form
Click here to download and print Right To Know Request Form PDF
Public Comment Policy
Click here to download and print CamTran's Public Comment Policy
Public Participation
Click here to view infomation about the Cambria County MPO Transportation Improvement Program (TIP)*
*Please note the public meetings have already passed but the information is still relevant.
Click here to view the CamTran financial statement information
Public Participation Process - Fare Increases, Service Reductions & Route Modifications
Click here to download and print CamTran's Public Participation Process